A NURSE to be says..

- Suzy Rashid
- kata pepatah.."times is gold.."but for nurses "a seconds is life.." if A NURSE late for one second it mean a nurse have kill a people.. so means.. NURSING is not an easy job..NURSE hand's is healing but in the same time it killing.. when nurses make a mistake..they will get a punishment..but when they do save your life or healing your you say 'thank you nurse'? or even give a smile..
Monday, June 28, 2010
something nothing..
ayam sekor

Sunday, June 27, 2010
ikan bakar kuala

Friday, June 25, 2010
keling2 arau..

Michael Jackson
MNG bawu satu.....
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
babye arau..

Monday, June 21, 2010
Hoho…so penat dis day
Dari kul 9 pagi sampai kul 5 petang..
Settle hal2 kat atas tu..
yang da jalann…
- Beli setem hasil
- Beli tiket g perak esok
- Buat akuan sumpah
Bapak susah dowh cari tempat suruhanjaya sumpah..
Sumpah susah..haha..
By the way tadi aku nyer sliper terputus kat kedai..haha..
Bapak malu..aku seret jer sliper tropicano aku tu..
Wat muka bodoh duk kat tepi kerete..
Na di jadikan crita..
Ada pakcilk gelakkan aku..hee..
Tapi biase r aku bukan kiseah pun..
And ada lagi benda x settle..
- Lum buat medical checkout
- Lum kuarkan duet kat RHB
Dua benda nie aku settle kat perak nnt..
A very thank you to fadly and zaqwan for helping me..
Nice to be friends with two of you..
Even I had settle a lot of things today..
But there is a sad story..
My sweetheart does not come to see me.. Hmm..what can I say.. He choose to not see me.. So..anything can I do?? No just a don’t have to show my willinng much.. But I really dissapointed.. |
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

oh my god..
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
chocolate stick

Monday, June 7, 2010
what should i..
free per??

customer my mum do not pay for her tempahan baju kurung again..